Friday, November 28, 2008

'Tis The Season!

So, I am back blogging almost two months later. I know I don't have many readers, but slowly I'll get the word out I'm sure. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We don't have much family here in Idaho, but the family we do have are wonderful. So we had a fun time taking family pics at Catherine Albertson's Park. I am pretty pleased with them considering that it was daylight savings day, so we weren't thinking that it would get dark a whole hour earlier. Cody had a massive cold, and Lincoln had just woken up from a nap and was wanting dinner. Cody and I are plugging along, we are feelin' the economy pinch. Cody recently had sinus surgery and is feeling much better. My Blackhawk Dance Academy is going well too. I am putting on my first performance on December 12th, ahh! Thanks to my sweet big brother- he helped me purchase some mirrors, and my sweet hubby hung them all up in the garage. Wow! it really helps when I'm teaching. I feel very blessed, because it seems people all around me are serving me. I hope we all remember to serve a little more, especially this Christmas season.